7Artisans 28mm F5.6 VS TTArtisan 28mm F5.6, Which One is Better?

TTArtisan released the 28mm f5.6 FF lens for Leica M-mount last year, it's a super portable large angle lens, which weight only 151g. And we've to say it's one of the best seller TTArtisan lens of 2021.

*Update: The 7Artisans 28mm f5.6 has been released at 6th May, the price is US $299, which is $27 cheaper than the TTArtisan 28mm f5.6 lens, you can purchase it here.

Now that 7Artisans announced their 28mm f5.6 lens, and also only for Leica M-mount currently. Which one will be a better choice?

The TTArtisan M 28mm f5.6 has been release about half a year, and lots of YouTubers have review video about this item, 99% photographer love this lens, and only has few after-sales problems, the only problem is that the focus ring may have been damaged in transit. So there is no doubt that the TTArtisan 28mm is an amazing lens. What about the 7Artisans one? Since we do not used this lens, we do not have much details for this new lens currenty. The details will be updated to this article when we tested it.

The 7Artisans 28mm f5.6 has been released at 6th May, you can purchase it here.

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