Delivery Range and Prices

We ship almost worldwide, for now we do not ship to India, Cuba, Syria, and Uganda. If you cannot place your order because of location restriction, contact us for help.

We provide free shipping, but express shipping also available at checkout, you can choose by yourself. Some orders are shipped in multiple parcels. We do not add additional fees to your order if we ship in multiple parcels.

Duties & Taxes

We provide free duty delivery, the amount you paid in our website is all you need to pay for your order. Import duties, taxes and fees are all included

Item Restrictions

Before completing any purchase, please check all product Specifications in product description to make sure you're choosing compatible items that will work in your country. In addition, please confirm that your country's import rules and regulations will allow you to import the item you're purchasing.

Stock Exceptions

Due to the complexities of export regulations and international shipments, all special orders will be delivered to our warehouse and then shipped to you. This enables PERGEAR to better support your shipment during transit.